Is Pollution a Price of Progress?

In this contemporary era, the protection of the environment and its varied species play a predominant role. In today’s business environment, pollution is directly related to economic progress and development because pollution takes place after the implementation of progressive policies within the country. While different measures help business organizations to control pollution and protect environmental activities, human overconsumption has led to its failure.
Pollution is typically a by-product of economic growth; economic growth is on the back of industrialization. With economic growth, consumption levels of individuals increase, which is accompanied by an increase in per capita carbon footprints. In developing countries like India, governments lack the resources to administer strict norms such as emission standards and greener waste management practices, etc. which are required to curb the level of pollution. Industries generally, tend to cluster around cities, as there is better connectivity and infrastructure. This further exacerbates the air and water quality in and around the cities as these industries release their effluents into air and water streams.

As Pogo once said, “I have seen the enemy, and he is us.” Pollution begins with our demand for resources. Progress generally results in people migrating to cities. Now with more people, there’ll be more vehicles and thus more emissions. They’ll generate more waste, sewage, effluents, etc. Everything stems from the fact that humans need space to live, grow, work, eat, play, and exist! Thus, the more the number of people, the more the level of pollution. Thereby we can say that human overpopulation is one of the main reasons for environmental pollution. Man stands at the center of all activities.
Excessive pollution means global warming. It increases the water temperature and results in the death of aquatic animals and marine species, which later results in water pollution. Pollution is harming the world as pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land.
Environmental problems are so diverse and diffused that virtually any activity of civilization interacts with the environment. Many environmental pollution problems are local in character and they can be controlled by creating environmental consciousness in every citizen. One of the key steps is to promote afforestation and abandon deforestation. Besides, action is also needed at the national level and guidelines may be established internationally by the United Nations Joint Committee of Experts.

From an environmental point of view, it is vital that we drastically change the way we produce and consume, so that we don’t completely trash the planet. So, we need to play along with the concepts of “development”,” consumption” and “happiness”: what do we truly mean by each of these terms? Sounds like a rather political argument. In the end, however, it might become a rather philosophical exploration.
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.” -Chief Seattle.